MusicFrost is a free-music downloader and player that allows you to download music in MP3 format from media streaming sources, or in the developers' words, from 'open source sites'. The program is able to search and download music of all genres and artists, particularly the most popular ones, with a quite decent speed.
Besides performing the usual search for song title or artist, the program is capable of finding a song even if you don't know its name or artist. You simply need to type in any phrase of the song in the search field and the program will start searching. In the results list, MusicFrost will display the song details such as title, artist, and duration, and will give you four options to download a track. After you click 'download', the song you chose will be downloaded to a specified folder. There's also a preview option that you can use to listen to a song prior to downloading. You can also get the song link and buy the song from iTunes. The program automatically keeps a history of your searches, and you can clear this list from the toolbar. Also, from the toolbar or the program settings, you can specify a different destination folder, set a theme, and change the program's skin.
In short, this free music downloader can come in handy to download individual songs from popular artists, and is a good alternative for people who are not very picky with sound quality.